Foreign tourism exceeded the pre-pandemic level in January

Spain received in January a total of 4.1 million foreign touristswith what slightly exceeds, by 0.2%, the level before the pandemic. The total spend of this set of visitors reached 5,218 million euros, a figure that is 9.2% above that of the same month of 2020.

In year-on-year terms, the volume of international tourists who visited Spain in January represents an increase of 65.8% compared to the same month of the previous year, while their total spending is 71.7% higher than in January 2022, when was 3.040 million.

United Kingdom It is the main issuing country, with 742,212 tourists, 3.3% more than in January 2020 and 103.6% more than the same month last year, who spent 847 million euros, 16% more than before the covid and 90% more than in 2022, according to surveys of tourist movements at borders (frontour) and tourist spending (egatur) published this Friday by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

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France and Germany They are the next countries with the most tourists visiting Spain. France contributed 485,116 (39.6% more in annual rate) and Germany 478,258 (69.6% more). Among the rest of the countries of residence, it is worth noting the annual growth of tourists from USA (102.8%), Italy (78.6%) and Ireland (66.1%). Canary Islands it was the first main destination for tourists in January, with 29.0% of the total. They are followed by Catalonia (19.2%) and Andalusia (13.8%).

On the other hand, the average expenditure per tourist stood at 1,258 euros, with an annual increase of 3.5% and the average daily expenditure grew by 19.3%, up to 148 euros. The average duration of international tourist trips is 8.5 days, which is 1.3 days less than in January 2022.
