Foreign Office named the new President of Ukraine

The Russian Embassy in the UK called on London to stop dangerous rhetorical provocations about Ukraine. This is how the diplomatic mission commented on the latest statements by the United Kingdom Foreign Office that Russia allegedly seeks to put on the post of President of Ukraine “his man”.

Not a day without news. This, of course, is about Ukraine. No matter how much Russia declares that there are no plans to attack Nezalezhnaya, Western partners are deaf to these statements. They continue to come up with new provocations around this topic day after day. This time it was Britain. On the eve of the country’s Foreign Ministry said that Russia hopes to bring a pro-Russian leader to power in Ukraine. The department even knows the name of the future president.

“We have information indicating that the Russian government is looking to install a pro-Russian leader in Kiev as it considers invading and occupying Ukraine. A potential candidate is being considered former People’s Deputy of Ukraine Yevgeny Muraev“, – said the Foreign Office.

Muraev himself did not even guess about such political prospects. And this is quite understandable: according to the Ukrainian politician, because of the conflict with Viktor Medvedchuk, he has been banned from entering Russia for three years now, and all his assets in the country have been arrested. How are these facts connected with the post of the pro-Russian leader in the Foreign Office? The question is rhetorical. In the Russian Foreign Ministry, after reading another “revelation” they simply asked “to stop spreading nonsense.”

Disinformation spread by the British Foreign Office – another evidence that it is the NATO countries led by the Anglo-Saxons are engaged in escalating tensions around Ukraine,” an official representative of Russian diplomacy wrote on her Telegram channel. Maria Zakharova. “We call on the British Foreign Office to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense and concentrate on studying the history of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.”

Journalists themselves add fuel to the fire. Another plan of attack on Ukraine was presented by Bloomberg. Its authors, citing an unnamed Chinese diplomat, said that during a recent telephone conversation, Chinese President Xi Jinping could have asked the Russian president Vladimir Putin “do not invade Ukraine” during the Beijing Winter Olympics. The quality of journalistic material has already been assessed in the Russian Foreign Ministry. The article was not even called a fake, but “an information special operation of the relevant American services.” A little later, the information was commented on by the Chinese embassy.

“The Bloomberg publication that allegedly the head of China asked the head of Russia not to attack Ukraine during the Olympics, so as not to spoil the holiday, is a fake and a provocation. China’s position on the Ukrainian issue is consistent and clear. The Chinese side stands for the settlement of differences through dialogue and consultations within the framework of the Minsk agreements,” the Chinese embassy tweeted.

However, there is enough news in the Square itself. The day before, during his working trip to Zaporozhye, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky once again promised that Crimea and Donbass would return to Ukraine very soon. Such statements cause bewilderment within the country as well, but recently, it seems that Western partners will no longer accept them either. That Crimea will never return to Ukraine, speaking at the conference, said the head of the German Navy, Vice Admiral Kai-Achim Schönbach. And the very next day resigned. As the German Der Spiegel wrote, this happened after an explanatory conversation with the country’s defense minister.

“I have just asked the Madam Federal Secretary of Defense to immediately relieve me of my duties and duties as a Navy Inspector. My rash statements made in India on security and military policy issues are increasingly falling on my office,” Schönbach explained.

As for the attack on Ukraine, Kiev does not seem to like the unfavorable information background that the West creates around this topic. Volodymyr Zelensky urged residents not to panic because of informational stuffing, and the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba said that the statements of partners only shake the country. According to him, the hryvnia exchange rate has fallen, and investors are already wrapping up projects.


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