Foreign Affairs organizes conference on reconstruction of Ukraine | News item

News item | 17-10-2022 | 16:27

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is organizing a conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine on Wednesday 19 October 2022 in The Hague. The aim of the meeting is to bring together various Dutch parties that are or want to be involved in reconstruction, so that the Netherlands is well prepared for reconstruction after the war. To this end, companies, civil society organizations and the government will meet at the invitation of the coordinating minister Liesje Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation).

The Russian war is wreaking havoc in Ukraine. Now and after the war, there is a great need for financial aid, knowledge and expertise for the recovery and reconstruction of the country. Dutch companies, think tanks and civil society can and want to contribute to this. That is why Minister Schreinemacher initiated the conference on the repair of damage in Ukraine and the process of reconstruction that follows. The needs of Ukrainian society are central to this.

The conference will address various topics, such as the role of business and the launch of public-private partnership platforms in agriculture, water and healthcare. Attention is also paid to short-term needs, such as preparation for the coming winter. It also considers the long term of the reconstruction process, discussing how Ukraine can be built stronger and more sustainable than before. Attention will also be paid to the role and protection of Ukrainian cultural heritage. These themes are discussed in four different sub-sessions.

The conference will be introduced via video link by Kyrylo Tymoshenko, President Zelensky’s deputy chief of staff. Ambassador Maksym Kononenko is present in The Hague on behalf of Ukraine. Other attendees are Koen Davidse, the Dutch administrator at the World Bank (online), Director-General for International Cooperation Kitty van der Heijden of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director of International Affairs of VNO-NCW Thomas Grosfeld. Director of the Refugee Foundation Tineke Ceelen is participating in the event on behalf of the Cooperating Aid Organizations. The conference will be closed by Minister Schreinemacher.

Location: Postillion The Hague, Waldorpstraat 15

Conference program

13.30 – 14.00Reception
2 p.m. – 2:55 p.m.Plenary introduction
15.10 – 16.10 hrsBreakdown sessions
4.20 pm – 4.40 pmClosing by Minister for Foreign Trade
and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher
4.40 pm – 5.30 pmFront desk
