Forced rest withered Bull Mentula’s muscles

Bull Mentula, who received a harsh life expectancy, has returned to a normal training rhythm and life is smiling.

Jari “Bull” Mentula has deliberately reduced giving interviews and public appearances in recent years. Now Finland’s most famous muscle bundle arrives for the interview in his pink shirt, shakes hands gently and happily begins to tell his news.

At the moment, Mentula, 46, is doing well. Excited, he begins to explain his busy work patterns at his new gyms. Private life is also flourishing.

– I am a happy person. I have a great family and a great wife.

Having overcome the difficulties, Jari “Bull” Mentula is happy. Mia Siren

Mentula quickly calculates that Maru-the 13th year together with his wife already begins.

– I might say the wrong thing, he laughs.

Two strong-willed people have welded together tightly over the years. Not all of the other’s things are always understood, but they are accepted.

Even small arguments always arise on the same topic: Jari works too much.

– Even then, the wife doesn’t say that I shouldn’t work, but that I don’t get too tired.

– I told Maru one day that we’re doing pretty damn well when we always discuss the same thing, if anything. Some men can have an alcohol problem, I like to work too much, Mentula explains.

Children changed the world

In recent years, Mentula’s work motivation was also driven by material. When the account was full, watches and luxury bags were bought.

That’s all behind. Now the money is invested in the well-being of one’s own family.

– Everything has changed, leveled off. I guess I’m an old man already, Mentula laughs.

Of course, big changes in life change a man. The birth of children, serious illness and recovery, understanding of what things are really important have fit within a few years.

Bull Mentula speaks proudly of his children. Mia Siren

The most precious thing of all has been seeing my own sons, 5 years old Romeo’s and a 3-year-old Robin’s entry into the world.

– Someone says that it (the birth of a child) does not change the world. For me, at least, it has improved the world incredibly.

– It is something that cannot be described. Of course it changes a person’s values, you can’t understand it in advance even if you try. You have to experience it, Mentula describes having a child.

The family also includes Maru’s 16-year-old Ronja-daughter. To Ronja, Mentula says he is like a second father.

Despite the glow, of course there are also difficult days in life. Then the importance of your own thought patterns is undeniable.

– When things are fine and adversity comes, you don’t fall on your knees, but on your knees. It’s already much easier to get up from your knees.

Jari Mentula and Maru’s wife in 2017. Sarianne Tähtivaara

The muscles disappeared

Last year Mentula told in his book Year of the Bull – Jari “Bull” Mentula’s story (WSOY 2021) for the harsh diagnosis he received in 2019. The doctor had diagnosed Mentula with heart failure and given a life expectancy of one to three years.

Since that day, a complete turnaround has been made in terms of health. Heart symptoms are no longer visible in everyday life at all. The previously low pumping power has risen to reference values.

– The medication is on and I go for check-ups. I obey my doctors, I do what they say.

After his diagnosis, Mentula was forced to rest for 11 months and everything physical was forbidden. The training that went along with my whole life was taken away. At the same time, Mentula’s legendary muscular appearance withered away.

– If something is taken away from you against your will, of course it will burn. My physical being was taken away from me.

It was hard for Bull Mentula when the mirror image no longer resembled the old one. Miia Sirén

Mentula says that some people do not think of the change of the external being as a meaningful thing. However, that’s how it was for him. As an analogy, Mentula presents a situation where an athlete in top condition would suddenly gain 30 kilos. For him, the change was the opposite.

The bodybuilder emphasizes that it’s not so much about looks, but about who he is. Muscularity is part of his identity.

Not afraid of death

Today, Mentula is also able to train normally again. Exercising in the gym feels better than ever.

Despite his shock diagnosis, Mentula is not afraid of death: he respects it. At the time of his illness, Mentula also lost his mother to a suddenly advanced illness. It showed that your time can come at any time.

Mentula also doesn’t want to upset or worry about his previous use of anabolic steroids, even though it may have led to heart problems. He still wouldn’t recommend the same to others. Those using steroids must be aware of the risks it brings and be sure of what they are doing.

Bull Mentula in 2013. TONY VIERIKKO

No more procrastination

After recovering, Mentula decided that she was not going to delay any longer. He had dreamed of his own gym, and a year later there were three of them. In the future, the business will hopefully expand even more.

I have also thought about what I still want from life. There will definitely be more dreams. At the moment, however, everything is in balance and I can’t think of anything special to run after.

Family life also becomes easier as small children grow. Mentula sweetly refers to her sons as leaders. They also accompany dad in arm tattoos.

– Yes, we also work for the family. But it can’t be like crossing things off the to-do list. You have to think for yourself and want to do things.

When Mentula is asked what kind of father he is, he begins to tell about his own father.

– I didn’t lack anything in my childhood. I have received safety and love, I have been allowed to do and enjoy. That’s where I look for a role model.

As a parent, Bull Mentula takes a model from his own father. Mia Siren

He himself feels above all that he is proud of his children, all three of them.

– It has been the biggest school. Children have taught me the most in this world. Their feedback is so sincere, open and honest.

More time for children

Thanks to the forced rest following her illness, Mentula was able to spend more time at home with her children.

– I realized that now I have to be with the boys. I don’t want to lose these moments. With my first son, I made the mistake of working a little too much and I got to see great moments with Whatsapp videos. Yes, it hurts.

The videos will be saved for the rest of your life. However, it is a different thing to see the meaningful moments with your own eyes.

After the break, it was back to work and routine, but not in the same way.

– Yes, I still sometimes slip a little, but I am aware of things in a different way.

Yes, this is exactly what Bull Mentula still wants from his life. To live and enjoy life, to see small leaders grow into bigger leaders.

– I’m happy when I get to do the things I really want to do.
