Forbo-Novilon employees agree to an 8 percent wage increase

Trade union FNV has reached an agreement with flooring company Forbo-Novilon in Coevorden. Employees stopped their strike after eighteen days on Thursday, after the company had put an improved collective labor agreement on the table.

FNV members could vote for that proposal until today. About 8 out of 10 members voted in favour. This marked the end of the action.

The proposal means that employees will receive an 8 percent wage increase from 1 January of this year. FNV wanted a wage increase of 10 percent for all 330 employees of the company.

In addition, the minimum hourly wage will go to 14 euros per hour and travel costs will go to 21 cents per kilometer. Forbo also contributes 5,000 euros to an international trade union project, and employees receive a one-off payment of 250 euros gross.
