for years ‘onbespreekbare’ vraag ligt nu toch op tafel

Were we still thinking about it as the Oosterweel Veel duurder, ongezonder and wellicht also less nodig blijkt than thought? The existential vraag was jaren onbespreekbaar, maar ligt nu op de lippen bij heel wat experts.

Ann De BoeckApril 20, 20226:30 p.m

“Dit gaat zeer, zeer ver.” Minister van Omgeving Zuhal Demir (N-VA) was not received this week in the parliament. There is a complaint about some of the milieu organisations, due to the Bond between Better Leefmilieu (BBL) and Greenpeace.

All that is made with the poisonous PFAS deeltjes that are present in the graphics works on Linkeroever are bovengespit. In principle, the vervuilde ground should have been saneerd, but in the drawn area decree, the Vlaanderen uitzonderingsregels vast waardoor vervuilde ground in sommige gevallen toch gewoon may have been used on a litter. Lantis, de bouwheer van Oosterweel, kreeg zo’n uitzondering. Opportunity that the verification will not be a problem.

That last can never be guaranteed, the Raad van State ordered it to be arrested. Lantis is always a plan from the second vervuilde ground in the package in a ‘Veiligheidsberm’. Van daaruit zouden de forever chemicals may still come in het grondwater terecht. Of which the ground should have been saneerd, of which it would have been assigned to an afvalstort.

Both opties are considered a forse streep by de rekening. Geen little storage space in Vlaanderen has a large capacity in a reasonable mountain area – a few cubic meters – te work. In this case, full sanering techniques have been developed, but there are still a number of technical details that are suitable for the purpose of the design.

Immense impact

“The impact is immense”, recognizes Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters (Open Vld). “He works vijfduizend mensen aan Oosterweel. The works can still be done for eight weeks at a time, but that’s the style.” Het arrest three bovendien also vele other infrastructuurwerken lam te leggen. “One place that is being advertised is that there is a tunnel of fly-over bouwen,” says Peeters. De regering wil he dan also everything aan doen om soon een oplossing te vinden.

It is possible that the decision is made according to the rules. Het Bodemdecreet uit 2008 had always nooit de bedoeling om elke verplaatsing van vervuilde grond tijdens works aan because, building of natuurherstel onmogelijk te maken, het bij Demir. If there are “verkeerde interpretations” for the right way to make them, then you can make the text. Al valt het te betwijfelen of the optlossing de buurtbewoners in Zwijndrecht zal set up.

In de omgeving van Lantis you hear that there is an option is om de veiligheidsberm officieel het statuut van stortplaats te geven. Maar zon stortplaatsvergunning op die locatie is onzeker. “Bovendien duurt het algauw twee jaar om ze te verkrijgen”, says milieu advocate Isabelle Larmuseau. “Het some alternative is the afvoer van de afvalstoffen near reeds connected to the storage places. De overheid moet nu het kostenplaatje daarvan eerlijk in kaart brengen.”

The cost plan from Oosterweel loopt al stevig op. Vorige maand kwam het Rekenhof met the vast setting that he still saw 4 to 5 million euros would have been given as Vlaanderen zijn ambities wil waarmaken. “Stop met beloven als er geen middelen zijn”, klonk het. Also in the milieuvlak het ade van de problems not in zicht. Tot nu concentreren de werken zich only op Linkeroever, terwijl he also op de Rechteroever nog Vervuiling Wacht.


Then he is the big two round the Nieuwe autostrade. Two years later, the building of extra concrete and the opening of the file around Antwerp were announced. In the middle, there are also additional studies that can be done for the fundamentele filewet: how in sea rijstroken voorziet, trekt op termijn or meer auto’s aan. Over all these were invested in alternative cities, such as the bikes and the open bar in Vervoer.

“Oosterweel is in the eighteenth year now, it’s light,” says mobility expert Kris Peeters. “That’s a value that can’t be changed. Things that were destijds onbespreekbaar, zijn dat vandaag wel.” In 2017, Peeters said that there was an agreement between the overheating and the actiegroepen about their own zeggen nog het voordeel van de twijfel omdat he thought that that he hoogst halbare what. “Maar de PFAS-vervuiling is a game changer.”

Also mobility prof Dirk Lauwers (UAtwerpen/UGent) pleaded for an open debate. An extra tunnel on the Schelde is still useful if you avoid that there is a lot in the Kennedy tunnel near Antwerp, but it’s too big? “Zelfs as the problem was solved, zullen de works aan Oosterweel were longer and longer. Dan is het zinvol om also na te think about a scenario zonder Oosterweel. How can we Antwerp in a different way be available?”

De kans dat zo’n open debate gehoor vindt in de regering, is small. In Daarvoor, all of the military contracts will be closed, and the political issues will be addressed to you and your customers for a long time to discuss them. Toch is het wel opvallend dat een project dat al jaren niet meer ter discussie stond, nu plots weer in vraag wordt gesteld.
