No, the Royal House has replaced the official cars of the two with environmentally friendly ones. In this way they contribute nicely to the fight against climate change.
New cars for Máxima and Beatrix
Queen Máxima and Princess Beatrix will from now on be transported in an extended hybrid of the Audi brand, the Government Information Service said. The majority of royal cars now consist of hybrid or electric cars.
Climate change
This step fits in nicely with King Willem-Alexander’s Christmas speech. He called for everyone to do something about climate change together. Because yes, a better world starts with you.
Christmas speech
The king said at the time: “The climate change that we have created ourselves, of which we are now experiencing the consequences. We have to do something about that together. Opting for a beckoning perspective, for a joint venture to protect our lives on Earth. That too can be part of our story. A great story even…”
Máxima and Beatrix disagree on this
Source: Blue blood