For the two of them there is no need to wear men’s shoes: “This is my real hoop” | Medical

For the two of them, a hard graft is transplanted into a living man. The university is located in Baltimore, Maryland. The 58-year-old man has a life-threatening hardship. Hij hoopt vooral op today he is with his family.

The operational operation was carried out last week on Wednesday, with the team working in January 2022 for the first time in the operation carried out for another patient. ‘The New York Times’ spoke about the transplant of “a medical primeur that provides support for high-quality patients with false organs”. Alleen al in the VS is enormous in terms of organs: more than 100,000 people in the national guard. Dozens of these have never been transplanted.

KIJK. The last year the first men were born, the hard transplant was made with a varkenshart:

Well, you can overlook it twice

The first patient, 57-year-old David Bennett, had a serious problem. Hij had ermee ingestemd om bij wijze van experiment het genetically adapted hard of a varken te krijgen, nadat hij van various wachtlijsten was verwijderd om a menselijk hart te krijgen. Twee maanden na de ingreep overleed de man helaas. How he in the first weeks of the transplant was geen tekenen van afstoting waren, bull hij uiteindelijk aan hartfalen als gevolg van “a complex scale aan factors”, aldus de artsen, waaronder zijn medical al precaire toestand voorafgaand aan de operation.

Surgeon Bartley Griffith met the first patient, David Bennett. © AP

“Enige hoop”

The two patient, a 58-year-old father of two children with a life-threatening hardness, comes on the sea complications with internal blood pressure not in a note for a traditional hard transplant. On September 14th, I had an opgenomen in the ziekenhuis in Baltimore because of symptoms of Hartfalen. “My real hoop is with the varkenshart door gaan,” says Lawrence Faucette enkele dagen voor de operation.

Voorlopig maakt de Amerikaan het good. Hij ademt zelfstandig na de ingreep en kan met familie en vrienden speak. It works well, but it is installed on machines.

Patiënt Lawrence Faucette, here with her wife Ann, is perfect.
Patiënt Lawrence Faucette, here with her wife Ann, is perfect. © AP


At the age of 80, we were born on the basis of xenotransplants, of which the transplanted organs were transplanted into menses. Varkens zijn daarvoor bijzonder sent omdat hun metabolisme vergelijkbaar is met dat van mensen.

Maar al decennia mislukken xenotransplantaties. The human immune system decreases the entire onmiddellijk vreemd dierlijk weefsel. In the recent experiments, he worked with genetically modified earth, producing organs of human health. Faucette wordt also treated with an experimental antilichaambehandeling om the immune system to prevent the onderdrucken and afstoting te voorkomen, aldus het ziekenhuis in Baltimore.

Beeld from September 13th, toen surgeons de varkensnier uit het lichaam van de patiënt haalden.
Beeld from September 13th, toen surgeons de varkensnier uit het lichaam van de patiënt haalden. © AP

“Opnieuw biden we a dying patient can have a long life, and we have my own faucet heel grateful for their comfort and they want to know how to help big people,” says surgeon Bartley Griffith.

“We have always been careful to keep hope that we will have more seeds,” says Ann Faucette, the patient’s wife. “It’s as simple as drinking seeds in the veranda and drinking a coffee.”

Beeld van de tweede transplantatie with the varkenshart.
Beeld van de tweede transplantatie with the varkenshart. © AP

Recordbreaking experiment with varkensnier

Recently it was a success story with a genetic modification of the Varkensnier: it was planted in July before it was sent out in the VS and in the booklet two maanden zonder problems were functioned. The experiment was then taken away from the family.

Het gaat om een ​​record: nooit functioneerde a genetically modified earth varkensnier zo long in a mens, zij het a hersendode. The betrokken wetenschappers zeggen cruciale lessen te hebben geleerd.

Man (57) the very first transplanted varkenshart kreeg, is overleden two maanden later

Record: varkensnier works two maanden na transplantatie nog steeds in menselijk lichaam
