For the time being, the Cabinet is sticking to slavery apologies on December 19

For the time being, the cabinet still intends to apologize for the slavery past on 19 December.

This is stated by several people present at the second Catshuis consultation and is confirmed by insiders.

Earlier it was leaked that the cabinet intended to apologize on that day in the run-up to a commemoration year for slavery. This led to frustration among various organizations from former colonies. The cabinet would have acted hastily, say critics.

The cabinet will make a final decision on the plan during the cabinet meeting on Friday.

Kaag: ‘Valuable conversation about slavery history

Deputy Prime Minister Sigrid Kaag had “intensive, but valuable” conversations with various organizations on Tuesday about how the Netherlands should deal with the slavery past. She replaced Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who spoke about this in the Catshuis last Thursday. The talks on Tuesday included the place of the slavery past in education and how racism should be combated, according to Kaag.
