For the time being, schooled in a single meeting due to coronacrisis | landlocked

Before the end of the day and the next, it will be taken into account for the corona crisis: the whole group will have some work done in the most part. This is from a study from the Federal Plan Bureau.

Uit de work situation data blijkt dat het antal people dat worked in 2020 -toen de Pandemie in het voorjaar uitbrak- gelijk was aan dat van 2019. Maar in aantal worked uren what he wel a stronger achteruitgang: -8.5 percent. The Planbureau warns about the pandemic and the sea are agreed about the lockdown and economic large-scale contracts.

No other works plots much less. So it was an “opmerkelijk greatere daling” at the warehouse level (-12 percent) then at the higher level (-3 to -6 percent). For all needs with many different schools (horeca, retail, recreation,…) are always met in telework which is not evident in these sectors.

Also, when the time was up, it was a nimble thing to do with the work of a person, and then there were times when the number of hours spent was up to 26 percent. Door de tijdelijke steunmaatregelen van de regering kon men zijn statuut wel behouden.
