For the first time in Ruim vijf jaar wilde polio ontdekt in Afrika | medical

In the Afrikaanse country of Malawi, a child is said to have been infected with the poliovirus type 1 that suffers from a potentially fatal infection. Het gaat om het first geval dat in Afrika is ontdekt in Meer dan vijf jaar, adus de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie. Type 1 is a wild variant that is still circulating in the world, but two other types will be used in 2015.

The Malawian authorities warn that the PVS1-stam is met with a child in the Hoofdstad Lilongwe. Laboratory tests are carried out on an association that bestaat met the stam that circulated in the Sindh province in Pakistan. The virus variant is still endemic in two countries: Pakistan and Afghanistan.

“Angezien dit een uit Pakistan geïmporteerd geval is, heeft deze vaststelling gegevolgen voor de certificering van Afrika as a poliovrije regio”, aldus de WHO. The continent had the status revived in August 2020, toen all the occurrences of the wild virus that were uitgeroeid.

The last risk of the wild poliovirus was reported in 2016, in the north of Nigeria. Never-before-seen occurrences of the virus have been reported, but are now less serious.


Polio, an infection caused by the poliovirus, is a target that young children meet and can suffer from a possible infection. These are the aims of the treatment, before we have a vaccine. In one country het poliovaccin de some obligatory inenting.

The wild poliovirus can van mens op mens overgaan than small beetjes uitwerpselen van een besmet person in eten of drinkwater terechtkomen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer someone who de ziekte heeft de handen not good wast.
