For the daredevils: This instafamous field full of poppies can only be visited this year via zipline | InstagramHLN

The magnificent field of orange poppies grows on a canyon near Lake Elsinore, a town in southern California. In recent years, the field has attracted many tourists who were looking for the perfect background for an Instagram post. Visitors stood or even lay down in the field and trampled many of the orange flowers. To prevent this nuisance this year, you can now only visit the flower field via a zipline, 60 meters above the ground. A virtual experience is being developed for tourists with a fear of heights.

The first flowers are already starting to appear, but tourists could possibly experience a ‘superbloom’ in California this year. So this year it is more than ever worth visiting the poppies. A ‘superbloom’ occurs when rain has fallen very regularly between October and February.
