For Mick Jagger, Machine Gun Kelly and Yungblud are the future of rock

“Sir Mick” is still in the mood for riots and remmidemmi. In an interview with Swedish radio station P4, the Rolling Stones singer said: “You need energy in rock music and there haven’t been many new rock singers lately. Now there are at least a few.” In this role he mainly sees his compatriot Yungblud (24) from Doncaster in northern England and the US scandal noodle Machine Gun Kelly (32).

Both would be different characters. But their post-punk vibe gives him hope that there’s still some life in rock ‘n’ roll. With its anarchic alternative sounds, Yungblud is considered a stage berserker. Machine Gun Kelly, on the other hand, has crossed the border when it comes to punk with his last two albums. In 2018 he competed against Eminem in a rhyming contest entitled “Rap Devil”. A path from hip-hop to the Hollywood rabid guitarist.

It’s a good thing that both neurockers are under contract with the industry giant Universal Music and have already put together tracks on the rails. Yungblud stopped by Kelly’s 2019 album Hotel Diablo with “I Think I’m Okay.” He returned the favor with “Acting Like That”, in which they work through their relationship to wild action.

But Jagger himself has no intention of stepping back. Any reports of “resignation” or “quitting” would be pure speculation. He doesn’t expect the band to collapse any time soon. In concrete terms, the European tour for the 60th Stones anniversary is now on the agenda, which begins on June 1st in the Atlético Madrid stadium.

There would therefore be no consideration for a “last live performance”, according to Jagger. “I love touring. If I didn’t enjoy going on stage and doing my stuff anymore, it would be over immediately. But that’s what I do. I want everyone to enjoy themselves and forget the problems in their life for a few hours and just relax and have a great afternoon or evening.”

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