For example, a truck lost 10 tons of offal on the A67

1/4 For example, a truck lost 10 tons of offal on the A67

The huge load of offal that ended up on the A67 on Thursday afternoon was shot out of the top of a truck. That happened after the truck had to slam on the brakes and collided with another truck. Dashcam footage shows how kilos of intestines shoot out of the car.

Profile photo of Ista van Galen

About ten tons of guts are spread over the carriageway of the A67 near Geldrop. It went wrong around a quarter to five. The truck had to brake hard and collided with another truck. The impact caused a large load of offal to eject from the top of the trailer.

The guts ended up on passing cars. Also on that of Jeroen Hendriksen. He was driving next to the truck when the garbage flew out. “At first I thought they were stones, because all I saw was something red,” Jeroen recalls. “But then everything ended up on my car. When I turned on my windshield wipers, I saw that it was about blood and pieces of animal.”

“It was a bit gross.”

Jeroen stopped on the hard shoulder to see how bad the damage was. “It was really dirty to see. All pieces of animal stuck to my car.” Jeroen had to be somewhere, so he drove on. After a while it started to smell really bad in his car. “It got worse and worse. So I just drove to the car wash. There I told what happened.”

Jeroen now has a clean car again and he has recovered from the shock. “My car is still driving, so there is nothing else wrong. But it was a bit gross.”

The road has been closed since a quarter to five between Asten and the Leenderheide interchange. Rijkswaterstaat expects the clean-up to take up to two hours at night. The road needs to be thoroughly cleaned and the asphalt may need to be repaired afterwards.

The clean-up work is in full swing (photo: Rijkswaterstaat).
The clean-up work is in full swing (photo: Rijkswaterstaat).

READ ALSO: Truck loses 10 tons of offal on A67, highway closed for hours
