For a clear majority of investors, the banking crisis is not over!

For a clear majority of the readers of the guide newsletter, risks from the banking sector continue to loom. In a recent survey by the editorial staff of the guide, 67.6 percent of those questioned stated that the banking crisis is not over yet. Almost half of those surveyed are also worried about their money.

Many see problems not only in the banking sector. For 85 percent, the real estate industry is particularly at risk, 45 percent fear problems in the auto industry. The Lehman crisis at the end of the 2000s made it clear how closely the real estate and financial markets are linked. And for Germany as a business location, the automotive industry is of particular importance. Sign up now for the guide newsletter! There you will learn how you should best behave in different market situations!

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Incidentally, in the survey of March 31, most of the survey participants stated that they invest in shares (64.4 percent) and ETFs (48.9 percent) despite all the uncertainties. 46.7 percent of the survey participants prefer gold and other precious metals. Significantly fewer investors invest their capital in interest rate products (28.9 percent) and government bonds (17.8 percent).

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Image sources: SVLuma /, Frank11 /
