Footballer Igor Denisov opposes the Russian war: “Absolutely terrible”

Igor Denisov said he even sent a letter to Vladimir Putin.

Igor Denisov was the captain of the Russian national team in 2012–16. AOP

Former captain of the Russian national football team Igor Denisov said openly in an interview he was opposed to his country’s hostilities in Ukraine. He is also ready to accept the consequences of his opening.

– What happens is a disaster. Absolutely awful. I don’t know if I’ll be jailed or murdered for this, but I’ll say it as it is, Denisov said. The Guardian supplier Pyotr Sauerin by.

Denisov appeared in a long interview on a YouTube channel called Nobel. According to The Guardian, Denisov never gives interviews to the media.

Politicon according to Denisov would have added in another interview that he has sent a letter to the Russian president To Vladimir Putin. In the letter, Denisov said he would be ready to kneel before his president if he stopped the war.

The 38-year-old Russian star played 54 matches for the national team. He was captain from 2012-16. Denisov ended his career in the 2017-18 season.

Other athletes have emerged

A few other Russian athletes have also recently openly protested Putin’s actions.

Dynamo Moscow football player Fedor Smolov posted on Instagram “No war!” message after the start of the war. He has been silent since then.

Spartak Moscow Alexander Sobolev rumbled on the subject, but he removed his critical view a couple of hours later.

Russian football player Nadezhda Karpova recently expressed a critical view of the war in Ukraine in a BBC interview

– I just can’t watch this inhumanity and be quiet. I don’t know what would happen if I were in Russia and not in Spain, but I think I have a responsibility to speak, Karpova said at the beginning of the interview.

– At the same time, however, I am not ashamed that I am Russian, because Russia does not mean the government and Vladimir Putin. Putin took everything from us, he took our future.
