Football World Cup 2022 without Russia – CAS rejects objection – football

Russia’s national football team is excluded from the playoffs for the World Cup in Qatar. The International Arbitration Court CAS on Friday rejected the Russians’ appeal against the decision of the world governing body FIFA not to allow the team to play in the qualifying games because of the war in Ukraine.

On March 24, Russia was scheduled to play Poland in the playoff for the World Cup in Qatar. According to the will of FIFA, the Polish selection instead enters the second playoff phase without a game. There the team around Bayern striker Robert Lewandowski meets the winner of the game between Sweden and the Czech Republic on March 29 and plays for the World Cup ticket.

The Russian association had lodged an objection

The CAS judges had already ruled on Tuesday that Russian teams would still not be allowed to take part in European competitions. The Russian association (RFU) had appealed to the CAS in Lausanne against the decisions of FIFA and the European Football Union UEFA. The federations had decided to ban Russia from all competitions because of the invasion of Ukraine.

After the CAS decision, this exclusion will remain in place for the time being. However, the proceedings of the Sports Court continue, a hearing has not yet been scheduled according to CAS information from Friday. Russia’s association had described the sanctions as “explicitly discriminatory” at the beginning of March and announced legal steps in sports. The aim of the appeal was the reintegration of all men’s and women’s teams into the tournaments – including qualification for the World Cup in Qatar – as well as compensation, the Russian association had announced.
