Football, the Seamen Milano in the Efl, the European league

The Milanese franchise will become part of Elf, the major European football league. President Mutti: “So the whole movement will grow”

Seamen Milano have officially joined the European League of Football, the new European league that wants to establish itself as the reference point for American football lovers and more. The goal of this league is to create a continental championship that can replicate the NFL format, comparing the best teams and the best athletes in Europe.

European Championship

The idea is certainly not new, in other sports there is already a similar organization, just think of the United Rugby Championship, in which Benetton Treviso and the Zebre di Parma participate, or the Hockey Club Bolzano, which in 2013 joined the Ice Hockey League, the international ice hockey championship. Although perhaps the most similar example of all, as well as the most famous one, is the Superlega, that project, which never started, for which Juventus, Real Madrid and Barcelona are on trial.


The Elf is a very fresh project, which debuted with the first season in the summer of 2021. The second edition is currently underway, which will end on 25 September, with the Championship Bowl scheduled in Klagenfurt, Austria. The format is the same as that of the NFL: a regular season followed by the playoffs. For the 2022 edition there are 12 participating teams, four more than in the inaugural season. The organization is working to further expand its catchment area, with the aim of reaching 24 teams by 2025. Four more franchises have already been included for next year, thus reaching eight countries involved, including also Italy.

First Italian franchise

The Seamen Milano will be the first Italians to enter (from next summer) in the European elite championship. Since 2009, the year of the re-foundation, the sailors have brought home five Italian championships, establishing themselves as one of the best teams in our country. President Marco Mutti described this leap in category with great enthusiasm: “I chose to join this championship to reward the extraordinary group that has been created over the years, allowing our athletes to become semi-professionals. I wanted to repay the great sacrifices they make. giving him the opportunity to compete at the highest level “.


“The idea is to keep the current group as united as possible, adding a few targeted grafts to increase the value of the squad,” said the president. “For those who will not be able to join the Seamen roster (the limit is set by regulation at 53 players, ed), there will be the possibility of playing the first division with the Frogs Legnano, a team with which we have decided to collaborate, providing facilities and players, to allow him to make the big leap and return to the Italian top flight “.

One step closer

Elf aims to bring as many fans as possible to football. To do this you need an American-style organization, transforming the matches into real popular events. “The league pays great attention to extra-field organization. The teams must be provided with adequate facilities to accommodate not only the athletes, but also the public. At each match there are shows, performances by singers, catering services and various contests. in perfect US style “explained Marco Mutti. “The goal is to increase the number of fans, bringing high-level matches to Vigorelli will allow us to attract more people, thus helping the growth of the entire movement”.

Growing sport

American football is the third most popular sport in Europe among the population aged 14 to 49 (Statista data). One in three people has had at least one contact with this discipline. Italy is in fourth place by number of fans, with over 5 million fans, only Germany, Great Britain and France have more spectators. Elf represents a great opportunity to continue this positive trend. Thanks to Seamen Milano, the best football in Europe will arrive in Italy. A great attraction for fans, but also a good opportunity for those who are not to get closer to this sport.
