Football club scammed for 900 euros: partygoers pay with counterfeit money

During a party of the Beerse Boys football team in Middelbeers, 900 euros worth of drinks was settled with fake money. The team is furious and has filed a complaint. It is unclear who paid with the fake notes. “Shame on you, coward!”

Written by

Ron Vorstermans

It had to be a nice end to the season for the Beerse Boys, says Joran Hooijen, canteen manager of the club. As usual at many football clubs, a season finale was held on Sunday. “Then there are about 300 people at the sports park to have a drink with each other, especially our own teams.”

“Those notes all smelled like laundry detergent, too.”

And there was drinking, both inside the canteen and outside. It was a festive day, says Hooijen. But when the canteen manager and his daughter counted the money in the four cash registers a day later, they found that certain notes didn’t feel very strange after all.

“It started with a note, but then it turned out to be more and more. Those notes also all smelled of detergent. Very strange. Then the alarm bells started ringing. And indeed, it turned out that several notes did not have a watermark.”

In total there are eighteen notes of 50 euros. So a total of 900 euros. Hooijen filed a report on Friday and handed in the fake money to the police. The club still has no idea who paid with the notes.

“I don’t think you can do this alone.”

Hooijen does suspect that not one perpetrator, but several people paid with the fake money. “Because you can’t do this alone, I think. Then it would have been noticed because we only had four cash registers,” concludes Hooijen, who posted an angry message on the club’s Instagram page.

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