Football club in mourning after the death of club members: “It affects everyone”

These are terrible months for Overloon and the local football club SSS’18. In February, trainer Maarten of the second team died in an accident, last Monday youth player Thomas died in a one-sided accident. “It’s terrible for our close-knit community,” says chairman Patrick Borghs.

Written by

Leon Voskamp

This week SSS’18 opened the cafeteria for everyone to find comfort together. Patrick: “Thomas played with our O17 and O19, his brother also plays football here and his parents are active within the association. Thomas’ death is a huge blow. It affects everyone in Overloon.”

“It makes a huge impression.”

“Two members die within four months, that makes a huge impression. We are devastated. We now focus on the funeral on Saturday and help where we can,” says Patrick. At the club and at other places in the village, the flags will hang at half-mast on Friday and Saturday.

Football is therefore of secondary importance at SSS’18 at the moment. Nevertheless, the club played for enforcement in the second division on Thursday evening. “We had to play football on Sunday, but we absolutely did not want that. The KNVB did not want to reschedule the game until we as a club took it really high. Then we could suddenly move to Thursday. The fact that we won that game resulted in an enormous discharge. I’ve never had that feeling on the football field.”

“We saw players really breaking.”

Trainer Michel Kuijpers took the words of Thomas’s parents into account in his match preparation. The young supporter often went to watch and would have loved to see his club maintain itself. “In the dressing room those words made an impression. Shortly before kick-off, his younger brother came in. He gave all players a High five and then we saw players really breaking.”

Opponent Walram was clearly better on the field. “The boys were very affected in the beginning, you could see that. They fought hard,” says Kuijpes. “Nine times out of ten we would lose to this better opponent, but in the end we won 2-1. Fantastic and an emotional moment.”

READ ALSO: Boy (17) found dead in rural area by accident after barbecue party
