Football associations open office

The continental football associations of Europe (UEFA) and South America (CONMEBOL) have opened a joint office in London to intensify and expand their cooperation.

UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin and his colleague Alejandro Domínguez sealed the agreement in the British capital, both associations said. The London location is intended to intensify joint projects in various areas, including football events and training courses for coaches and referees.

The first major sporting event that CONMEBOL and UEFA are now organizing together is the “Finalissima” – an international match between Copa America winners Argentina and European champions Italy. Tickets for the match on June 1 at London’s Wembley Stadium were sold out in a week.

CONMEBOL boss Domínguez acknowledged the “historical importance” of the joint office and emphasized: “CONMEBOL and UEFA have decided to take their cooperation to a higher strategic level.” The office will help both federations to work “together for the development of football within our confederations and beyond,” Čeferin said.
