Food prices in Berlin have already risen by 19 percent!

Inflation rose to 7.9 percent in August despite the nine-euro ticket and fuel discount

Food prices in particular have risen rapidly (symbol image) Photo: picture alliance / SvenSimon

By Julian Loevenich

The inflation madness continues! Consumer prices in Berlin rose by 9.6 percent compared to September of the previous year.

In Brandenburg it is even 9.9 percent, as the State Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg announced on Thursday. And inflation is hitting the supermarkets with full force!

Particularly strong rise: the prices for food. Consumers now have to pay an extra 19 percent on average.

The price of flour in Berlin has risen by an unbelievable 102 percent (see chart below). A trip to Brandenburg will be worthwhile in the future: there it is “only” 55 percent more.

If you want meat, you have to pay 20 percent more. There has not been such an increase in inflation for decades.

In Germany, the inflation rate is obtained by comparing current prices with 2015. This year was defined by the statistical offices in Germany as the so-called base year, as a standard so to speak.

Incidentally, not all price increases in the various areas flow equally into the overall inflation rate. “By surveying consumers, we find out what the most money is spent on,” said a spokeswoman for the statistics office.

This results in a ranking, which is converted into different weightings using a formula. Housing costs are at the top, and education costs are at the bottom.

Means: the prices for heating carry more weight than, for example, for language courses.


Currently inflation food
