Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins (50) was injured in Colombia

Volgens de Colombiaanse tv-zender Caracol is Hawkins overleden in Bogotá, de Hoofdstad van Colombia. Daar zou de band vrijdagavond optreden. The band is momenteel op tour in Zuid-Amerika: last weekend the band van Hawkins performed in the Argentine Buenos Aires, planned for tomorrow stond a show in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.

“The Foo Fighters family is the leader of the tragic and violent deaths of our loved ones Taylor Hawkins,” wrote the band on Twitter. “Zijn muzikale geest en aanstekelijke lach zullen voor altijd bij ons blijven. We are hard on you, children and families, and we ask that your privacy be treated with the greatest respect in the future.”

Taylor Hawkins broke in the middle of the 90’s when he played in the band of Alanis Morissette during his ‘Jagged Little Pill’ album tour. Foo Fighters was formed in 1995 by Dave Grohl, the previous drummer from Nirvana. In 1997 drummer Hawkins joined the band van Voorman Grohl.
