Fondsdiscount – funds without front-end load

It’s also worth looking at the premium when saving funds

The profit lies in the purchase! This old business wisdom also applies to fund savers. With a fund savings plan, investors invest small amounts in a fund savings plan every month. In addition to the premium, fund savers should also take a close look at the order fees at your house bank.

At the agio the saving for fund savers is only a few euros per month. Over a longer period of time, however, fees in the three-digit euro range also accumulate here if the fund units are purchased without a discount on the front-end load. Even with a fund savings plan of only 50 euros per month, the front-end loads add up. With a ten-year investment fund savings plan, 375 euros come together over the years (with a premium of 6.25%). Added to this are the “loss of return”, which quickly drives the disadvantage into the four-digit range, even for savings plan fans.

Also the order fees play an important role for fund buyers. Providers who charge a minimum fee of “only” 6.00 euros for every purchase, for example, drive up the costs for fund savers with small 50 euro savings plans to more than 10 percent. Fund savers should therefore only rely on providers who rely on really cheap order costs for fund savings plans.

Tip: Here, too, the conditions are customer-friendly zero depot1, there are free fund savings plans. You don’t pay any order fees, flat-rate third-party fees or trading venue fees for ETF savings plans either.
