Follow this recipe to make a delicious teriyaki chicken for less than 3 euros

04/16/2023 at 12:38


One of the crucial elements of this rich dish is marinating the meat before preparing it.

Teriyaki sauce is typical of Japanese cuisine and we can find it in all kinds of recipes.

If you like Asian food, it is likely that you have ever tried the chicken teiyaki, or some other dish that carried this delicious sweet sauce. Well, it’s actually quite easy to make the seasoning, as it’s made up of 5 elements: sweet sake, soy sauce, sugar or honey, and mirin (a rice wine used in cooking).

That being said, the sauce is not everything, since meat is the main element of a good teriyaki chicken and it is crucial that it is prepared correctly so that it is very juicy. In fact, the word teri refers to the shine of the sauce and yaki refers to the method of cooking it, roasting. The meat is usually cooked in the sauce, reducing it until it is the desired thickness..

There are many variations of this popular recipe, but for the one we are going to make today we will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 or 4 chicken breasts.
  • Soy sauce – 3 tbsp.
  • mirin – 3 tbsp.
  • Sake – 3 tbsp.
  • 1 spring onion.
  • Ginger – 3 slices.
  • Flour.
  • Brown sugar or honey.
  • Olive oil.

To make the dish we must follow the next steps:

  1. Prepare a bowl and add the soy sauce, mirin, sake and sugar. we mix it well and we reserve.
  2. Cut the chicken breasts into pieces or slices as desired.
  3. We flour the chicken.
  4. Put a little oil in a frying pan and Brown the chicken on both sides.
  5. Peel and cut spring onion and ginger, immediately add it to the pan.
  6. As soon as the chicken is fried, remove excess oil.
  7. Add the mixture from the beginning and mix everything. We leave it on the fire for 1 minute.
  8. Remove the spring onion and ginger and remove the chicken so that it is well soaked in sauce.
  9. We reduce the teriyaki sauce to taste.
  10. we serve alone or with a little rice to accompany.
