Follow these 4 steps for fluffy summer feet

Take a foot bath

Good preparation is half the job. The first step is therefore to soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes. This makes your calluses and nails nice and soft. You can add several things to your foot bath water. Sea salt, for example, is good for your blood circulation. You can get rid of an unpleasant sweat odor thanks to tea tree oil. Could your feet use some extra care? Then add a splash of almond milk. When you’ve put together the ideal cocktail (and watched 15 minutes of your favorite series), you’ll fight your dead skin cells with a scrub. Do not forget to dry your feet well after bathing. Pay extra attention to the space between your toes – that’s where Schimpies prefer to nest.

Eliminate calluses

The callus on your wrinkly granny feet is so soft after the foot bath that you can easily remove it with a callus file or pumice stone. It is also possible without soaking it first. You have to be careful though, because you damage the deeper layers of the skin faster.

Take care of your nails

Next up: your nails. Cut them with a cutter or scissors to a length of your choice. Then you file them into shape. Tip: Trim your nails to about the tip of your toe. Otherwise they can grow in (painful). Optionally, you can push back your cuticles with a special cuticle pusher† Although you have to be careful with this too, because you can destroy them with it.

Choose a (striking) color

Are you satisfied with your refurbished nails? Go for a (bright) lacquer like finishing touch† Nude shades look well-groomed and last longer, because damage is not so noticeable. Bright colors are nice as an eye-catcher. They instantly give simple sandals or flip flops a more fashionable look.

Grease everything

The skin on your feet dries quickly. Therefore, lubricate them carefully with a nourishing lotion. Some creams even contain substances that prevent calluses from forming – handy! One last tip: put on cotton socks after you rub your feet and sleep with them overnight. You wake up in the morning with the fluffy summer feet we promised you in the headline of this article. Promised.

Source: Freundin

June 11, 2022
