Folic acid for hair: what it is for and benefits

Stnicknamed “vitamin of life” because its intake is particularly recommended during pregnancy, folic acid is actually a valuable aid as a lifelong supplement. From adolescence to old age, this vitamin protects the entire body, skin and hair in particular. In addition to being a source of good humor and peaceful rest.

Folic acid: the supplement that stimulates cellular regeneration of the hair

Folic acid is vitamin B9 and belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. In general, folic acid contributes to the synthesis of proteins and DNA and to cell regeneration, to the benefit of the health of skin tissues and appendages, such as nails and hair.

Not only that, it helps blood cells stay healthy and prevents some vascular diseases. Furthermore, it transforms tryptophan into serotonin, which is an important contributor to good mood and good rest.

How to know if you have a vitamin B9 deficiency? The alarm bells are usually continuous inflammations in the oral cavity, fragility of hair and nailsinappetence, but also sleep and memory disturbances, difficulty in concentration.

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What are the benefits of folic acid on hair?

There Folic acid deficiency goes hand in hand with hair loss. Factors such as pollution, smog, stress, change of season but also important moments in life such as pregnancy or menopause are all elements that impact the hair, causing slower growth and sometimes a multiplication of the appearance of white hair. In these cases, folic acid can be of great help.

Its intake helps to stimulate keratin, a protein that generates new cells so as to restore the compactness and shine of the hair. The restructuring properties of vitamin B9 are therefore fundamental, especially in certain moments of life, for example in menopause.

In this phase of life, in fact, the drop in estrogen alters capillary growth and leads to a weakening of the hair: with its actionfolic acid gives a boost of energy to the mechanisms of synthesis and regeneration.

From the age of 24, technically, the aging process of the hair begins. And the first white hairs may appear, especially if there is a genetic predisposition: l‘folic acid can be of great help on this front as well.

Where to find folic acid?

Not being naturally present in the human organism, folic acid must therefore be taken through supplements or with food.

It is present in the citrus fruits and some fruits including kiwis and strawberries, as well as dried fruit. It is also found in green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, eggs, moles legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans and in some cereals. And in special supplements. Get advice from the pharmacy and from your trusted doctor.

