Foggia, assault on the team bus after the defeat in the Serie C playoffs

After the derby lost against Cerignola in the Serie C playoffs, a group of fans waited for the return of Delio Rossi’s group last night. Explosions and tensions as the vehicle attempted to enter the stadium

A dense launch of smoke bombs welcomed the Foggia coach returning from the derby lost 4-1 in Cerignola by Delio Rossi’s team, in the first leg of the national first round of the Serie C playoffs. A few minutes after midnight a large group of fans awaited the arrival of the team in via Gioberti, outside the safety net of the Zaccheria stadium. Several law enforcement officers in riot gear were present. Upon the arrival of the bus, some firecrackers were exploded, as well as a dense launch of smoke bombs at the vehicle’s address as he tried to enter the structure. Luckily there were no injuries. An investigation has been opened into the episode by the police, in the next few days Daspo’s measures could be issued against the most violent. Some videos of the incident were acquired for the recognition of the troublemakers.

Transfer prohibited

As a precaution, given the small number of tickets available, the trip to Cerignola had been forbidden for Foggia fans. The return derby will be played at the Zaccheria next Monday, where the same restrictive measure should be applied for Gialloblù fans.
