FNV: unsafe situation on Qbuzz buses due to failing communication system

The safety of drivers and passengers in Qbuzz buses is at risk. Due to a failing communication system, the control room cannot be contacted quickly in the event of incidents, says the FNV trade union after a tour among drivers.

The communication system, officially ‘IVU box’, often breaks down and starting up takes ‘a very long time’, the union concludes. As a result, drivers cannot quickly report an emergency.

FNV conducted a survey among 268 Qbuzz drivers. Of these, 3 percent say they have never had any problems with the system. With the rest, problems may have occurred one or more times. Trade unionist Edwin Kuiper calls the figures ‘unacceptable’ and speaks of an ‘unsafe situation’.

According to FNV, the faltering communication causes more problems than contact with the control room. According to FNV, passengers will also not be able to check in and out in the event of a disruption, which would in turn lead to anger towards drivers.

The provinces of Drenthe and Groningen, client of Qbuzz, received an urgent letter from FNV about the situation. The union wants the problem to be resolved ‘as quickly as possible’ and does not rule out appealing to the Labor Inspectorate. That body previously investigated the National Police’s C2000 communication system. It was concluded that the safety of the system is at risk and the law is being violated.

“Just like with the police, a well-functioning and solid communication system is a basic condition for safe work,” Kuiper emphasizes.
