Fluvius will be energy factuur the following year with 37 euros, Zuhal Demir is said: ‘Niet oké’

When he did not change anything, the Fluvius van will start the following year with tariffs on the energy factor for a small house building with 15 euros per year for electricity and 22 euros per year for gas. This empties a berekening by the Vlaamse energy regulator VREG.

As, Flemish minister of energy Zuhal Demir (N-VA) wants to get the word out. You shouldn’t worry about the Fluvius om ervoor te zorgen dat zijn tarieven op de energiefactuur stabiel blijven. Bijvoorbeeld door in the dividends for cities and meant te snow. Zij zijn de eigenaar van Fluvius.

In a personal report, Fluvius was named as having said that the city in question was the best that could be said about the actual facts. He was told 119 million euros from his own zak opgelegd om de tariefstijging te beperken. The sea is not bad, it sounds. “The energy crisis also has a strong impact on Fluvius. Door de inflation is the cost price of materials that are required for het aanleggen and het beheren van de elektriciteits- and Gasnetten stronger gestegen.”

In addition, there is a separate connection from Fluvius to the average energy factor with the sea that costs 100 euros per year. “We are ton ons met deze beslissing as a trustworthy partner in deze energiecrisis.” Fluvius requires that the own tariffs de afgelopen vijf jaar duidelijk gedaald zijn. This is the first step to be taken.

Gezond understood

As shown: Demir is not overtuigd. Zijst verwijst naar de inspanning van de Vlaamse regering last week om haar deel van de energiefactuur stabiel te houden. It was worth 148 million euros from the general average vrijgemaakt om groenestroomcertificaten op te kopen. Otherwise the costs have been calculated via the electricity factory. Also de energy management is a business (20 million euros).

“In an energy crisis, there is a need for responsibility at that level. Vlaanderen does have an enormous extra financial span, so you should worry that there is a difference in fact, it doesn’t matter if there is light there. I monitor all tax levels, including local taxes via Fluvius,” says Minister Demir.

For hair it is not a question. Demir warns aan Fluvius-voorzitter Wim Dries om asnog “all mogelijke pistes” te onderzoeken om een ​​stijging van de tarieven te voorkomen. It is scheduled for a weekday at Fluvius. Demir: “What the moment is right, it’s not okay for me, but I have to be happy with it. I can all hope that the gezond mind is certified and that can suffer tot a herberekening van de nettarieven door de VREG.”

Spicy detail: cd&v’er Dries is next to fluvius and also de voorzitter of koepelorganisatie VVSG (Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten) and the Burgemeester van Genk. That is also de Thuisstad van Demir. Tuesday ontvingen ze nog semen king Filip.

Genk’s burgemeester Wim Dries (l.), king Filip en Vlaams minister Zuhal Demir (r.) in de Tuinen van Waterschei.Beeld BELGA
