Flugärger app offers help with stress with the airline

Flight gone or too late, luggage landed somewhere else, strikes at the airport or at the airline – the list of possible flight annoyances is long. An app from the consumer centers is intended to support travelers. what can she do

A lot can go wrong on a flight – if you’re unlucky. Then travelers quickly find themselves in a limbo of rebookings, hard-to-reach connecting flights and possible claims for payment. In the worst case, nothing works anymore due to strikes or failures. Those affected usually do not know how to react in order to assert their claims and rights. With the Flugärger app, the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center therefore offers a practical helper for smartphones.

The app for smartphones or tablets can be downloaded free of charge for Android and iOS download and provides quick information on the legal situation. The information ranges from simple passenger rights to – this also happens from time to time – the insolvency of the booked airline.

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Flight trouble app also helps with self-inflicted faults

With a simple query of the problem, the app also helps determine possible payment claims. Whether it’s a delay, a flight cancellation or lost luggage – you simply type on the relevant information in the menu and get advice. Even those who miss a flight through their own fault can get help with the Flugärger app. Because here, too, taxes and fees may be reclaimed.

At the end of the process there is a completed letter to the airline with the correct requirements. The Flugärger app is free and runs on all current Android and iOS smartphones. According to app store reviews, the offer works pretty well.
