Flowers above Hell, Teresa Battaglia the RAI series with Elena Sofia Ricci iO Donna

theresa Tonight at 21.25 on Rai 1 debuts Flowers above Hell with Elena Sofia Ricci, as Teresa Battaglia, a strong and suffering woman, very far from the amusing investigator of the soul (and not only) of God help us. In the series, co-produced by Publispei and Rai Fiction, the interpreter of Sister Angela takes on the part of a profiler looking for a serial killer.

Teresa is surly, rough, sometimes unpleasantsick of diabetes and with the first signs of Alzheimers. Her right-hand man, the Chief Inspector, knows you well James Parisi, the only one who knows how to take it. The inner rage of the investigator, which we will soon get to know on the small screen, however, hides a deep sensitivity in investigating the dark side and the contradictions of the human being.

Flowers above Hell: the plot of the tv series

The fiction, based on the homonymous best-seller by Ilaria Tutitakes us to Trevenì, in the snow of the Friulian Dolomites, where the corpse of a man, from whose face the eyes have been torn out. The murder is violent and atrocious. To investigate is Teresa Battaglia (Elena Sofia Ricci), the profiler of the Udine Police, an expert in serial killers, who knows the psychology of these killers very well. However, the case is more complicated than usual.

Next to Teresa there are lifelong friend and colleague Giacomo Parisi (Gianluca Gobbi) and the young inspector Massimo Marini (Joseph Spata), just arrived in Friuli from Sicily. It is his first assignment in the North and he immediately starts off on the wrong foot .. showing up on the snow complete with moccasins. He is the classic Southern boy, accustomed to the heat, who is catapulted to work in the freezing Alps. Teresa, a grumpy boss who is difficult to relate to. But who made him ask for the transfer? Despite this, together they will investigate the serial killer who roams the Trevenì woods.

Elena Sofia Ricci, Giuseppe Spata and Gianluca Gobbi. (Rai)

Teresa Battaglia, a fragile and unpleasant detective

Teresa Battaglia may seem like yet another detective on tv, but this heroine is different from Petra, by Lolita Lobosco e Imma Tataranni. She is a grown woman, mature, grumpy and can seem unpleasant. She is suffering from Alzheimer’s and diabetes, and she carries with her an inner wound that is difficult to mend. The character, born from the pen of Ilaria Tuti, must try to fight the monsters outside and inside himself.

«Teresa is special, unique and with a painful past who made her into a rough, angular and repelling woman, who however is capable of empathizing with a killer – describes her Elena Sofia Ricci – the profiler wonders which underworld does a murderer come from capable of so much horror. And to find out he must understand his nature.’ She’s not a policewoman with a gun, “his weapons are the heart, the wavering mind and the unstable and fragile soul»declares the actress.

Faithful to the literary character, Elena Sofia Ricci takes up the challenge of captivate the audience with the humanity of this wounded but strong woman, sick and yet always courageous. A character who, once his repelling barrier is overcome, becomes impossible not to love.

Elena Sofia Ricci, Alzheimer’s and the fear of the disease

Teresa is a lonely woman who discovers she has Alzheimer’s. And she is afraid. “I’m drawn to the characters on the brink of the abyss – says the actress – we all are, whether we like it or not. Hell concerns all of us, the sooner we deal with it, the better».

«More and more often we hear about Alzheimersa very widespread disease – he says Elena Sofia Ricci – I have many close people who have lost their parents and I happened to share their pain. It was interesting and a responsibility to try to return the fear and pain of who is affected by this tsunami, that you know where it will take you. I too am afraid of the disease ».

Other protagonist of Flowers above Hell: childhood violated

Teresa investigates with her team the case that also involves a group of children: Mathias, Diego, Oliver and Lucia. In fact, the victim is Diego’s father. Lucia relies on Teresa, the only one with whom she can talk about a secret, and only with them is the profiler able to express her almost maternal side. “There’s a ghost in the woods,” Lucia reveals to Teresa, to whom she leaves milk every evening. What does it have to do with the killer? Or is it a simple fantasy born from the imaginative power of a group of very young people? The director Carlo Carlei defines them «of friends at Goonies»which in the course of the episodes become fundamental for the investigation.

We will also discover that their adolescence was betrayed by the parental and adult violence. The father of Mathias is violent with him and his mother; Lucy she is the daughter of former drug addicts who don’t know the word love. Olivers instead he suffers the attentions of the school janitor. Finally the father of Diego he’s been killed. Why? That the serial killer paradoxically wants to defend these kids from the fury of the adults?

