Florencia Torrente: “It cost me the decision to be an actress”

If you had to define the impression it generates with a single word, the one that best suits Florence Torrentis “creative”. The beautiful young performer, she acts, sings, designs and writes songs with enviable enthusiasm and a lot of responsibility. Although she is not afraid to take new artistic risks, she always takes firm steps based on knowledge. She has long been the daughter of the popular actress Araceli Gonzalez (55), older sister of ascendant TThomas Kirzner (23, son of Araceli with Adrian Suar), has made a name for herself and is determined to make her mark.

At the end of last June, Eve Halakwho since mid-2016 has been the artistic curator of the Buenos Aires Theater Complex, summoned her as part of a cast that she leads together with the Uruguayan actor daniel hendlerto make known “dirty hands”, a piece by Jean Paul Sartre, little frequented by the local theater, in the Casacuberta room of the San Martín Theater. Premiered in 1948 in Paris, it is a drama that explores the differences between “ought” and “is”, as well as the moral ambiguity within political commitment, and the confrontation between “political efficacy” and the risk of compromising. own ideals, echoing the initial doctrines of existentialism of the French philosopher and writer.

News: How did you come to the project?
Florence Torrent:
I love Sartre. I really like reading, from dramaturgy to history. In addition, for me, performing at the San Martín was a pending account since, although I had worked at the Complex when I did “Gigoló” by Enrique García Velloso, with Andrea Bonelli, at the Teatro Regio, during the 2016 season, never here, on-site Two years ago, before the pandemic, more precisely in January 2020, Eva Halac called me to summon me and I loved the idea.

News: But then came the pandemic.
And everything stopped! Only in December of that year did we make an audiovisual version for the online cycle, but with other actors. For a moment, I thought it would be just that and it was never going to happen. Months ago, when I was shooting a movie in Bariloche, Eva called me again to tell me that it was finally happening.

News: Why was it so symbolic to do it in San Martín?
Torrente: I think that every actor wants to work in the official scene.
At least those of us who really like the theater. There are colleagues who perhaps prefer the audiovisual. In my case, I am passionate about acting on stage. That’s why I read plays all the time, especially the classics. I’m a big fan of Shakespeare. I enjoyed it from a very young age. She was reading “Romeo and Juliet” when she was barely five years old, sitting up in bed. That permeated my being and I enjoy it. So, the idea of ​​being able to do it in the halls of this emblematic scenic area is beautiful. All theater buildings have history, but this one has a lot of it and it’s very rewarding to be a part of yours.

But Torrente is not only an actress. She also designs, manages and is the visible face for her own brand “Helicia”, which she founded in 2013 with her friend Agustina Bruzón, and which for seven years specialized in handbags, jewelry and accessories. But, starting from the quarantine, its founders asked themselves: “Who is going to buy these things when we all stay at home?” Then they began to sell clothing, such as face masks, sweatshirts and joggers, betting on the online channel and home delivery.

News: How did the idea of ​​creating the brand come about?
I studied art, drawing, painting, color theory. I always liked all branches of art. Photography, design. It was part of my training. In fact, before finishing school, I thought I was going to dedicate myself to that. All my energy was there. It cost me the decision to be an actress. I mean the responsibility it means. Sometimes we have to make decisions when we are very young and we have no idea where to start. That’s why I went to study everything I liked. I was 18 years old and I took classes, for example, in analog photography, digital photography, Photoshop.

News: He also studied singing.
Torrente: I’m still studying singing! In fact, this year I start to release my album.
As I was saying, I went to study abroad, to Boston, United States, for a couple of months and when I came back I had to live with my mother because I had spent my savings. Suddenly a job came up for me and I earned a significant sum of money. There I asked myself what I would do with those resources because I wanted to become independent. And just my friend Agus Bruzón had graduated as a clothing designer, so on February 10, 2013, at three in the morning, we started making bags and we chose the name. We built and conceived her with absolute love, she is like our daughter. We made it in the image and likeness of the women in our families, who are strong, who go to the front, who worked their whole lives, who did what they wanted to do, always. But it was transforming year after year, and the pandemic came. The point is that we went from just making handbags to designing and ordering clothes to be made. A giant leap for us because we already had accumulated a lot of knowledge of leather goods and we had to catch up on clothing.

News: One imagines that organization must be an important aspect when it comes to combining your schedule with everything you love to do and learn so passionately. What comes first, planning or diving in and then seeing?
I really like the question. Because they always start with “Oh, you can’t be in so many things, how do you do?”, They even tell me “he who covers a lot, squeezes little”. A phrase that I hate. Because I am convinced that if you do what you love, with passion, respect, responsibility, order and conviction, above all, it can be done. Because I’m not going to say that in two days I put together an album. I have been preparing it for five years and it began to take a final form, only last year. Now, for example, it is in a hybrid, in all the post production part and accommodating various issues, while the work that required more energy and time, I did at another time. So, there is a lot of ant work, of building in silence, that only I know. I don’t like to say everything I do, I do. Because it is intense and at a particular time. When I make it known, sometimes it coincides with another with greater exposure and it seems simultaneous. But that doesn’t mean I did everything at the same time. I couldn’t and I don’t want to. Each job demands commitment, dedication and almost always years.

News: What would you say to young people who want to go through these artistic areas and become famous at all costs?
Torrente: Each one chooses his path and the way to build it.
From my subjective experience, if you don’t know what your purpose is and what you really want, there are things that cannot be sustained over time. For me, life is learning what you like to do, but dedicating yourself one hundred percent, not necessarily in a university. he

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