Floods of tourists take over the center of Barcelona at Easter

  • After several holiday campaigns marked by the covid and the restrictions on the arrival of Asian visitors, normality this year anticipates a totally pre-pandemic summer.

the streets of Barcelona They looked full of tourists from all over the world this Saturday. After several Easter campaigns marked by the covid and the restrictions on the arrival of Asian visitors, the normality of this year anticipates a totally pre-pandemic summer.

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In it waterfront, la Rambla and el Gòtic there were floods of travelers this morning. Although the majority were European, there were also some from Asia. The arrival of various cruise ships in the Catalan capital has also increased the activity of tourist guides, who gathered at points such as Plaça de Sant Jaume. Despite the increase in costs and prices, the pace of work generates optimism in the tourism sector, with full bars and many stores anticipating increases in staff.

According to figures estimated by the Generalitat, the total number of tourists in Catalonia these holidays will be 962,257, which is 25% more than in 2022 and 16% higher than the figures for 2019. Of this total, more than 500,000 will be residents of Catalonia, while tourism from the rest of the State will mean about 200,000 arrivals, and the French market will bring about 70,000 tourists.
