Flooding in Zoetermeer: ​​this is done during extreme rainfall

One downpour has not yet passed, but the next one is already on its way. Gardens are flooded, large rain puddles on the street and ditches overflow. What are the water boards doing to prevent flooding in Zoetermeer?

Storm Ciarán raged through the country in early November and buckets of rainwater fell from the sky. This caused flooding in the vicinity of the De Noord Aa recreational area. A spokesperson for the Rijnland Water Board says: “More precipitation fell than predicted on November 2 and 3. So much rain fell in a short time that our pumping stations could not cope.”

Three tractors

The amount of precipitation on those days exceeded the capacity of the pumping stations. That is why Rijnland engaged the company JM van Vliet to install additional pumps. “The Rijnland Water Board has contracts with contractors to quickly install temporary pumps in the event of extreme rainfall. In this way we limit flooding.” The contractor placed three tractors with water pipes along the Zoetermeer polder. The excess water in the Noordhovense Plas was pumped into the polder through the pipes.

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Water pipes. Photo: in the Zoetermeer neighborhood

Via the bosom to the sea

The extra pumps ensured that the Noordhovense Plas was brought back to normal levels. “This water goes via our reservoir (such as the Vliet and the Noord Aa) to Katwijk. We then pump the water to the sea.” In those days, the flooding was only in our city. “Rijnland has only installed extra pumps at the Noordhovense lake and the Zoetermeerse Meerpolder.”

The influence of climate change

According to Rijnland, global warming is causing more extreme weather and faster sea level rise. “It is expected that we will experience longer periods of drought, but also heavy and extreme precipitation. Also in Zoetermeer. Where possible, we do everything we can to prevent flooding. Climate change is happening faster than expected.”

Tractor with extra pump. Photo: in the Zoetermeer neighborhood

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