Flood victim becomes alderman Meerssen | 1Limburg

In July 2021 her house was completely empty, a year later Inge Smeets is installed as a new alderman in the municipality of Meerssen.

The 44-year-old police officer recognized the importance of good local governance in the flood. “At the time, I felt very responsible, also towards the local residents. I worked a lot with the municipality, so of course you get all kinds of things. When I was asked a little later by a political party, I thought that this might really be the It was time to get involved.”

After the flooding, Inge Smeets herself lived for months in a camper that she had in front of her house. In the meantime, only the garden and driveway still need to be renovated, inside most of the damage has been repaired. The situation is very different for many of her neighbors. “We are now a year further, but most of the damage has not yet been dealt with for the people. Many people are only now able to start working on the repair of their home, they are not yet living there themselves. It is difficult to find people who can help you can recover, the costs are enormous, so it’s tough, still.

Because she herself was affected by the flooding, Inge Smeets will leave that portfolio to a colleague. When she is appointed alderman on 30 June, Inge Smeets will follow in the footsteps of her grandfather Ber. He was alderman in Meerssen for 24 years. “Until his death, actually, I was four years old then. But that sentiment does play a role for me. It’s nice to be able to follow him so many years later.”
