Floating homes in the Nijstad recreational lake in Hoogeveen

Hoogeveen wants to have a maximum of 29 homes built at the Nijstad recreational area, including sixteen floating houses on the edge of the western lake and two so-called kangaroo homes that overlook the water.

The floating homes move with the water level, which, according to the municipality, ‘enables the experience of the water from the home and the terrace’. Floating means: without a solid surface or supported on piles.


However, the houses will have mooring posts to prevent drifting. The water houses are linked in pairs and accessed by a communal pier/deck.

Behind it, on the mainland, there is room for two kangaroo houses. One main building and one outbuilding may be placed on each plot, either semi-detached or detached.


Six plots for detached homes will be created on the east side of the recreation area, adjacent to existing buildings. To the east of this there will be a farmyard with five houses: one detached and two semi-detached houses. The houses are grouped around a common yard.

The new homes to be built will be accessed via the Nijstad South road. That is a 60 km road, which is outside the built-up area.

According to councilor Roelof Bisschop, Hoogeveen wants to focus on accelerating the construction of homes. “We owe it to the home seeker to do everything we can to accelerate housing construction. We also do that in Nijstad-West.”

For your perusal

The draft zoning plan that should enable the construction of homes in the Nijstad-West area will be available for inspection in the coming weeks.
