Flitscamera’s tegen gsm’en aft stuur comen he waarschijnlijk niet | Inland

Vijf politiezones zouden dit jaar de hoogtechnologische camera’s gaan inzetten, so had minister of mobility Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) agreed. Now you can see that the work of the word has been made for political reasons.

On the sea Open Vld staat op de rem, shows the crane. The liberal views of the hair scissors photo’s and the verregaande inbreuk op de privacy van bestuurders. Also at the top of the federal policy this is the tegenkanting ontstaan. The camera is so “extremely small” that it can be easily hung on the camera.

Volgensverkeersinstituut Vias was a proefproject stilltans laagd en zijn er voldoende privacywaarborgen. In the Netherlands the cameras have been installed and they also sound.

KIJK TERUG. Smartphone aft: VIAS wants slim cameras
