Flick and Gündogan answer questions

The German national soccer team completed four international matches within a few days. The DFB has therefore scheduled several press conferences in which national coach Hansi Flick and his players answer questions.

sport.de accompanies the press conferences of the German Football Association live. Of the Live stream starts at 12:45 p.m. The video will play at the top of the image window.

National coach Flick and Ilkay Gündogan will answer questions from the press on Monday.

The Manchester City midfielder came on as a late substitute in the 1-1 draw at the start of the Nations League against Italy. It is possible that Gündogan will be allowed to play from the start in the game against England (June 7, 8:45 p.m.) in Munich’s Allianz Arena – after all, he knows many of the opponent’s players firsthand.

After the group game against the Three Lions, there are two more games on the program. The trip to the third game in Budapest, Hungary (June 11, 8:45 p.m.) and the second leg against Italy in Mönchengladbach (June 14, 8:45 p.m.) complete the four-pack for the DFB selection.

Oliver Bierhoff demands: Avoid image damage at all costs

DFB manager Oliver Bierhoff had expressed high expectations in the run-up to the Nations League games: “The most important thing is that we as a team take another step forward. This is the first endurance test towards the World Cup. The second is that you are in wants to survive in the group. If you were to be relegated, it would damage your image and sport, you want to avoid that.”

After a total of six group games – the two remaining games will be played on September 23rd and 29th – the table leaders advance to the semi-final playoff of the Nations League. Fourth in the table, on the other hand, is relegated to Nations League B.

Portugal won the first edition of the Nations League, and in 2021 world champions France crowned themselves.
