Fletcher Hotel will run Coevorden Castle

Fletcher Hotels will take over the operation of Coevorden Castle. The previous operator, H Design, was declared bankrupt last month. Curator Paul van Boven announced that he is committed to a restart and was able to report today that the hotel chain is taking over the business.

According to the curator, the after-effects of the corona crisis and high energy costs destroyed the previous catering company. According to curator Van Boven, the company’s debt has increased to an amount of approximately six thousand euros. But further investigation into the finances is first necessary, the curator adds.

The buildings are owned by Groningen internet entrepreneur Ben Woldring. In addition to the castle, the nearby Governor’s House and De Vlijt hotel with 24 rooms are also part of the bankruptcy. Van Boven approached Fletcher himself in collaboration with Woldring. “This is a large party with a lot of experience. It’s also great for Coevorden that it was successful.” Because it is a historic and iconic location in the city of Drenthe, says Van Boven.

Fletcher also initially plans to take over the 20 employees. According to Van Boven, the investigation into the debt burden is still ongoing. “Not all creditors have come forward yet.”
