Fler signs a rapper for the first time

The label “Maskulin”, founded by the rapper Fler, has had a woman for the first time since it was founded in 2011. The rapper with strikingly blonde and cropped hair is said to be called Rosa. The self-proclaimed “three musketeers” Fler, Bass Sultan Hengzt and their offspring Rosa present themselves together in their Instagram feed.

Fler happily shared Rosa’s post in one of his Insta stories and officially called it a “new signing”. In the past few days, Rosa could not be ignored on the rapper’s Instagram profile. Among other things, Fler posted a short video during a rapper shoot. This poses and lolls there on a couch. A track by Fler is playing loudly in the background. The post is captioned “the next episode.” The caption features pink and the hashtag #masculine.

A release of Rosa on Masculine has not yet been announced. She may already be heard on Fler’s new EP, which is supposed to be called PROBE FOREVER.


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