Fler: fine of 19,000 euros for attacking the camera team

Fler is said to have attacked a camera team from the broadcaster RTL on Berlin’s Kurfürstendamm on March 2nd, 2020. The journalists tried to talk to the rapper about a dispute with a women’s rights activist when he left a shop. Fler is said to have become violent and destroyed a camcorder. Now the rapper has to pay for it.

Default judgment imposed on Fler

On Wednesday, Fler should answer before the civil chamber of the Potsdam regional court. But neither the rapper nor his lawyer showed up at the appointment. A criminal judgment was imposed anyway – Fler has to pay 19,000 euros to his creditors. These include seven insurance companies from the television station, which initially paid for the damage.

Fler now has the opportunity to appeal against the default judgment within two weeks. If he does so, the court will decide on its admissibility. The court spokeswoman said: “If the objection is admissible, the court will set a new date for the hearing on the objection and the main issue.”

In addition to his music, Fler has repeatedly been caught under criminal law. This will also be the case in 2021: the Tiergarten district court imposed a ten-month suspended prison sentence on the rapper and a payment of 10,000 euros to a social welfare association. However, the judgment was not final.
