Flemish MP Els Ampe resigns from Open Vld party board | Domestic

LOOK. “The ‘sons of’ and their hand puppets are taking the liberal base by the nose”: Ampe announces the news with this video message

“The election of the new party chairman is fake. I will not participate in this circus.” Ampe points to a recent email sent by the party leadership. It states that the deviation from direct election is not a one-off, but possibly permanent.

On September 23, Open Vld will elect a new chairman. For the first time, this is happening at a conference and not through the usual direct election where members can vote digitally.

Ampe voted against the one-off deviation at the party board. However, according to her, there was never a permanent deviation from direct elections. The fact that this is now being asked to the members via e-mail is the last straw for Ampe: “The Open Vld members are asked to change the articles of association at the Open Vld conference of September 23 in order to deviate from the direct election of chairman “in exceptional circumstances.” ”.
