Flemish government splits without agreement on budget, talks continue today | Inland

The Flemish government has been meeting since yesterday morning to find an agreement on the budget and on the support package with which it wants to help families and companies through the energy crisis. Negotiations were suspended around 10 p.m. Previously, Prime Minister Jan Jambon (N-VA) had already switched to bilateral relations with the various government parties.

According to a source, “hard and constructive” work has been done and talks are continuing today. Other sources say the water was too deep to land last night or during the night. Nobody wanted to say how deep the water is and how difficult the conversations are.

The intention is now to further calculate a number of proposals and scenarios in working groups. Negotiations were to resume this afternoon around 2 pm.

Prime Minister Jan Jambon is expected in the Flemish Parliament on Monday for his September statement. In that statement, the government traditionally sets out the broad outline of its policy and budget for the coming year.
