Flemish Drought Commission lifts restrictions on pleasure craft, but “drought remains serious” | Inland

“The maximum grouped lockout will remain in place,” according to the Drought Committee. In doing so, as many ships as possible are fired at the same time (moved to a different water level by means of a lock, ed.) to save water.

The committee also recommends that all other drought measures be retained. “The precipitation of the past few days has caused a slight recovery in the flow rates and water levels of the unnavigable waterways and waterways,” it sounds. However, this precipitation will not ensure that normal values ​​​​for the time of year are restored. “The accumulated deficits are far too great for that. In addition, a drier period will be announced next week. The fallen and predicted precipitation will also have little effect on groundwater levels. So the drought situation remains serious.”

Measures that remain in force include the ban on abstracting water from unnavigable waterways. Also on some waterways (including the IJzerbekken, Moervaart, Damse Vaart, Bovendurme, Schelde- and Leiemeander) there is a ban on capping. In canals where blue-green algae have been identified, water may not be used for livestock or for irrigation, and recreation is prohibited. On navigable waterways, the lock restrictions also remain in force or mobile pumps are used.

The drinking water supply is still guaranteed. For example, the flow rates of the Meuse – a river that is important for drinking water in Flanders – are slightly higher than in recent weeks, the Drought Committee concludes.
