Flax seeds for hair: benefits and properties

THEstar ingredient of many haircare formulas, i flax seed they are a beauty elixir for the hair thanks to its micro components with moisturizing and strengthening properties. How to best use them? And on what types of hair?

Flax seeds: the secret to healthy and shiny hair

Flax seeds act as a natural balm. Merit of composition: the omega-3 fatty acids act as humectants for the hair, helping to maintain its softness and shine. In addition, they strengthen cell membranes, preventing rupture of stems.

They also contain lignans, plant compounds from antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These help protect your hair from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stressimproving their health. Finally, the B vitamins, scalp cell metabolism booster, they are useful for canopy growth.

How to use them in your haircare routine

Can be used in various ways, i flax seed they can be found on the market in the form of oil – to be applied to the hair as a treatment – ​​or they can be purchased whole to extract the gel, do it yourself.

Flax seeds: a real panacea for hair (Credits: GettyImages)

How? Put a handful of flax seed in a bowl of water overnight. In the morning a natural gel will have formed which can be used as mask or how pre-shampoo pack to be left on for 30 minutes before rinsing.

Not only on the lengths: thelinseed oil can be massaged into the scalp to deeply nourish from the root and help fight dandruff.

Dry and frizzy hair: the remedy is flaxseed

While all hair types can benefit from this natural ingredient, it is especially the dry and frizzy hair to see the best results.

Hair care: answers to the 5 most frequently asked questions

Just gthanks to them moisturizing and nourishing propertiesthese seeds are able to soften and smooth the hair, immediately making it silky and less frizzy.

Ultimately, i flax seed they are a real treasure: to be used to obtain healthy, strong and shiny hair.

