Flavia Pennetta, interview: “Decisive points? This is how I learned”

The blue champion talks about herself at the Vpe20 Vip Padel Cup and explains how she keeps fit: “I grind kilometers chasing my children”

Peter Razzini


– Jesolo

Flavia Pennetta she is and will remain in the history of Italian tennis as one of the best tennis players ever. The titles won testify to it. Among the many we cannot forget the Australian Open (double), the Us Open (single) and the 3 Fed Cups (with Italy). Even now that his career is over, he continues to amaze on the pitch. It is no coincidence that, with a friend Frances Schiavonewon the Tournament of Legends al Roland Garros in 2022. And just with Francesca he participated in the VIP Padel Cup organized by vpe20 at Lido di Jesolo together with many other sports champions. Also on that occasion he proved to be still in perfect shape: “I always look for time to do gymnastics in my home salon. But what helps more than anything is chasing after my kids. That’s my main daily workout.”

Do you still follow an athlete’s diet?

“Eating in a careful and balanced way has been decisive throughout my career. I occasionally indulged myself little vices but only at certain times of the season, when the match schedule allowed me to. I’ve always thought it was important to mix different foods in the right way and still today I like to experiment in the kitchen”.

Can you tell us about your emotions after winning the US Open?

“It was a wonderful success. I tried one indescribable joy. And everything was even more beautiful because it was unexpected. I am convinced that it is the result of years of work, of dedication to this sport, of sacrifices and perseverance”.

Are sacrifice and constancy the keywords for being a great athlete?

“You don’t stay in the top 15 in the world for so many years if you don’t dedicate yourself time and energy to the cause. We must always try to improve, to see the positive aspects even when, apparently, we take steps backwards”.

Was this also the case for the American open?

“In New York I have always played well, often winning the quarterfinals and learning something new in each edition. Then came the victory. Overall, and I was talking about it with Fabio (Fognini, ed) just a few days ago, it’s a tournament in which I’ve always felt at ease”.

Taking the Fed Cup as an example, can you explain the value of the group, even in tennis?

“They were incredible years for women’s tennis. Girls with talent and personality. Heads a little crazy but headed by a man, Conrad Barazzutti, who has been able to best manage strong characters like ours. This is a fundamental aspect when it comes to teamwork”.

What memories do you have of those three hits?

“The 2006 victory had a different flavor from all the others perhaps because it was the first. But that of 2010, the third, was the most exciting. Speaking of victories on the field, some athletes have been more important in one edition. Others in another. But we’ve all been able to put our ego aside when necessary and help the partner who needed it most.”

She achieved great results in both singles and doubles. Differences?

“I have in my heart the successes obtained in doubles because they are the result of a job done with a partner and because I am results that can be shared with someone. My sport has always been individual. In addition, the Italian mentality goes in the direction of giving greater value to the singular. I’ve always appreciated the possibility of playing as a couple.”

“First of all, it helps to grow as a tennis player. I experienced it on my skin. Since I started playing doubles I have also improved as a singles player. And then it also improves the person because it forces you to constantly relate to a teammate”.

Did you have someone to help you handle the pressure of big matches?

“The figure of psychologist it has always been important and will be even more so for the new generations. In my case, I learned little tricks that helped me see situations from a different perspective. Over time I have increased the awareness in my qualities”.

Did you feel the weight of having to play decisive points?

“Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve never been a lion heart in those moments. Often I could not take the initiative. For this I have to thank the people who have been close to me in my career because they have always been convinced that I could achieve great things. They constantly prodded me even when I reclined. And the victories have arrived”.

Does being married to a tennis player help or complicate your life?

“From my point of view, it helps. Love between people who do the same job allows you to better understand your partner’s mechanisms and to accept with fewer personal doubts the absences that inevitably arise in the relationship”.
