Flatbush Zombies’ Meechy Darko Announces Solo Album

The rapper Meechy Darko, known from the hip-hop trio Flatbush Zombies, suffered a severe blow of fate a good two years ago: his father was shot by a police officer in Miami in January 2020. Meechy Darko has now announced that he wants to process his father’s horrific death on a solo album: “Ich had no choice but to make it the most personal thing I’ve ever done because luckily or unluckily I’m at a very jarring time in my life right now‘ the rapper said of his new project. His debut album is slated to be titled GOTHIC LUXURX and will be released on August 26, 2022.

With “Kill Us All” Meechy Darko has already released a first single from the upcoming album. In the highly emotional and somber song, the 32-year-old raps on eerie piano chords about institutional racism and media polarization: “Black kid get shot, white man get tazed / Media spread lies, politicians get paid‘ says the second verse of the song.

Flatbush Zombies released their last studio album VACATIONS IN HELL in April 2018. This was followed in 2020 by a six-song EP called NOW, MORE THAN EVER. Over the past year, Meechy Darko and crewmates Zombie Juice and Erick the Architect have been working on two songs (“plug addicts” and “Quentin Tarantino‘) with Wu-Tang Clan member RZA.
