Flash marathon: 4 in 100 drivers drove too fast

Flash marathon: 4 in 100 drivers drove too fast

And of that, 3.82% of drivers drove too fast, an increase of 1%. Last year it was 2.78%. A possible explanation for this could be the zero tolerance that various section controls meanwhile apply.

The number of revoked driving licenses has decreased. During the previous edition, 176 driving licenses had to be revoked, compared to 75 in this edition. A positive result, because it means that many drivers who drove too fast did not have extremely heavy feet.

However, the police speak of a disappointing result. “Speed ​​remains one of the main causes of fatal traffic accidents. Unfortunately, last Sunday’s tragedy in Strépy-Bracquegnies and other recent disasters indicate that speeding is still one of the “killers” on the road,” the federal police said in a statement.
