Flash development in Beşiktaş! Tevfik Yamantürk will not be a candidate – Last minute Beşiktaş news

Beşiktaş Gymnastics Club Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 17. Beşiktaş Council Chairman Tevfik Yamantürk also made a written statement about the election.

Stating that he will continue to serve Beşiktaş as the chairman of the council, Yamantürk said, “I will not be a candidate for the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Extraordinary Elective General Assembly of Beşiktaş Gymnastics Club to be held on 10/17 December 2023. I am a person who puts the interests of Beşiktaş Gymnastics Club ahead of all personal interests.” “As a Beşiktaş fan, I will continue to serve Beşiktaş Gymnastics Club, the locomotive of Turkish Sports, as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. I respectfully present it to the public,” he said.
